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Digital Marketing

As we look for ways to continue to support agents with tools to promote CEA policies, we have created some digital marketing materials to be used in your email and print marketing campaigns. We hope you find the following materials useful.

QR Code

A QR code works similarly to a bar code—when you scan a QR code, your phone's camera deciphers the code, and your phone will present you with a URL to click. Copy the following QR code onto your printed marketing materials, and, when scanned by your potential customers, the link will take them to a page on CEA’s website, “Benefits of Earthquake Insurance.” Created exclusively for your marketing efforts, this page breaks down the top 5 reasons Californians should consider earthquake insurance, information on earthquake risk, different policy types, and CEA’s premium discount.

Note on QR Code sizing: Size your QR code image according to how big or how small your printed marketing piece is. You want to make sure the QR code is large enough to be scannable. The minimum QR code image size is 2 x 2 cm (0.8 x 0.8 in, or 38 x 38 px), but you may make your QR codes as big as you like. There are many online guides to QR code sizing, whether you want to place it on a business card or a billboard!

Download QR code (high resolution PNG)

EMail Content

The following email content is for your use in your email campaigns to potential insureds. Simply copy and paste the email content into your own email template. The email will link your customers to the new Benefits of Earthquake Insurance page.

Download a copy of the Email Content below (Microsoft Word document DOCX)

Five Reasons to Consider Earthquake Insurance

As a provider of California Earthquake Authority (CEA) earthquake insurance, I want to help support you in decisions you make about your most valuable asset, your home. CEA earthquake insurance protects the financial investment you have in your home and belongings.

Why Consider Earthquake Insurance?

  • Reason 1: A standard residential policy doesn’t cover earthquake damage. But CEA does. Don’t be left to pay all recovery costs yourself.
  • Reason 2: It’s not a matter of if, but when, the next damaging earthquake will strike. Scientists say there’s more than a 99% chance of one or more magnitude 6.7 or greater earthquakes striking our state within the next 30 years (probability is based on a 30-year period, beginning in 2014.)
  • Reason 3: Make sure you have a place to live. CEA earthquake insurance covers “loss of use,” also known as additional living expenses, with no deductible. This coverage can help pay for things like the cost you incur to stay in a hotel or renting a different place to live in while your own home is being repaired.
  • Reason 4: Have peace of mind that you are prepared for the next big one. An insurance policy from CEA helps you to rebuild, repair, and replace property damaged by an earthquake.
  • Reason 5: Get a policy premium discount of up to 25% for making your house safer. CEA offers a policy discount if you increase your house’s safety by strengthening it with a seismic retrofit.

Visit Benefits of Earthquake Insurance to learn more about CEA’s earthquake insurance policies, earthquake risk, and CEA’s premium discount.

Earthquake insurance can be complicated, but I’m here to help. Call or email me today to take the first step in financially protecting your home against earthquake damage and loss.

Thank you,

[Insurance Agent Name]

Looking for MVP or agent store?

Based on feedback from agents like you, on June 20, 2023 we transitioned from “hard copy” marketing materials like brochures and direct mail, to providing digital-only marketing materials. These changes will allow us to create new materials more quickly, and are more supportive of agents’ current marketing methods. In line with this change, we have sunsetted the Marketing Value Program (MVP).

Thank you for everything you do to help protect Californians from the next damaging earthquake!